Vil reworked plenty of BLOG Posts, but he is still at the beginning. For now, you can read parts of our story in this BLOG.
"Vil & Indy on the Road!"
Vil reworked plenty of BLOG Posts, but he is still at the beginning. For now, you can read parts of our story in this BLOG.
2019 really sucked, it was a real rollercoaster and currently, we might lose our flat and all our belongings because we have no money to pay the rent or any other bills. Why this?, you might ask.
It’s now two months and still no reply from the Netherlands and no money from the unemployment office. My landlady and her partner are literally bangging on my door and demanding money. She even enganged an attorney to accompany her. She wants to kick us out, even before Christmas, because of us she can’t but… Read more Friday the 13.th
Vil went to the Jobcenter to apply for unemployment benefits. He spoke to his case manager and signed an application form. Unfortunately he needs to provide proof of employment from the Netherlands. A P103 Form to finish the registration. So he also needed to apply for welfare in a complete different office and wait for… Read more Jobcenter
“Yes, you are a top performer.Yes, you’ve got awarded in November for being a sales superstar.Yes, you’ve got awarded for outstanding customer feedback.Yes, you’ve got awarded for always helping your team and colleagues.Yes, you are a valued member of the team.Yes, there is no doubt you can do the job.Yes, your KPIs are looking great.… Read more How to be a top performer and still get fired!
Today Vil went to the job-center and reported back. Just two minutes to show his face and that’s it. No news regarding any job offers, no possibility of any support, absolutely nothing.
Today a Skype interview for a job as a TSP for BWM. First level call centre bitch job, but who cares. It would pay the rent and we don’t mind. At first we needed to charge the laptop without overloading Victor’s electrical system, then find a reliable spot with good WiFi connection. Vil don’t want… Read more TSP for BWM
Today Vil had his second interview for a position as 1.st level support agent. Same “issue” again, Vil is “too experienced” and they don’t understand why Vil wants this job. Vil responded: “Hey, you are T-Systems. I think the jobs I am qualified for are available within T-Systems, so I want to be there and… Read more 2.nd Interview for T-Systems – [UPDATED]
We are on standby! No money, no gas for Victor, little food for Vil and me. We are still at our spot near to the swimming pool. We have quite good WiFi and Vil is surfing the web all day searching for a job, writing applications and from time to time we have a movie.… Read more Waiting …
? victor is good. ? sleeps. We are back in Germany, and it was no good welcome. We can’t stay at our friends place anymore, because the landlord is not happy to have me in the house and fears about his carpet. That’s obviously a made-up reason to get rid of me. Why you ask me?… Read more Waiting at the public pool.
Ca. 1400km later we arrived with the last drip of gas.
Our time in Spain runs out and we need to leave and go back to Germany. In a few days we need to report back to the jobcentre and then we don’t know what to do. It’s a very sad Moment, but Vil finally found the Tapas he really likes.
Well, Vil is looking for jobs online every day and he applied for several jobs, but it seem that Vil has no real luck so far. Open: TSP SellByTel … Declined: Michael Page Citrix TomTom … No response: Plenty …
Well, Vil is looking for jobs online every day and he applied for several jobs, but it seem that Vil has no real luck so far. Open: TSP SellByTel … Declined: Michael Page Citrix TomTom … No response: Plenty …
GOOGLE TRANSLATE !!! 10 May 2016 – Request from Vil to the Jobcenter. Hello Ms Jobcenter, I have some job interviews behind me now and it looks like I’ll find a job here. Unfortunately, I’m running out of time now because you’re expecting me back. Now I have to decide what I will do. My… Read more HartzIV – The license to rot! [German] & Google Translate!
At 1500 our future life will be decided there. Does Vil get the job? Will he be technical pre-sales account manager? Will he earn more money then we need? Will we stop travelling? Can we buy a big camping car soon? All this and more will be decided in less than five hours. [UPDATE] Vil… Read more Job Interview @ 15:00
It’s interview time. Unfortunately, the recruiter told shit and the salary is not as high as expected. Also, there is no relocation bonus. So be aware that recruiter has no interest to find the best job for you, they just want to sell as many jobs as possible, because they are paid by numbers and… Read more Really?! WFT!
Vil had an interview for a position as pre-sales account manager. First, his TomTom20 guided him to the wrong place. Same street name, but the wrong district. After entering the address manually all worked out. The interview itself was a catastrophe. At first, the team leader had no CV at hand, then she didn’t like Vil… Read more Jobsearch – Navigation
Vil just received a call from a recruiter, and she is interested to present Vil’s cv for a position as a B2B presales engineer. Ok, just a small step, but maybe the start of a new journey.
Vil decided that a town with a high density of call centers would be thr best opportunity. Barcelona, Dublin or Amsterdam. He checked the jobs online. LinkedIn, Monster other Job boards, and the most positive feedback came from Barcelona. So it’s sure we will leave Germany and try to find our luck somewhere nice. We are not… Read more We need to find our luck somewhere else!
So we needed to decide what to do. “The only wrong thing to do is nothing.” Option one We can accept the situation and give up. We can sit on the sofa all day, play video games, have long walks and at the end of the month receive just enough financial support to stay barely… Read more What to do?!
This morning Vil went to the employment office, to the health insurance and also to the job agencies to sort out his paperwork and to get back into the social system. No big deal, you might think, but when he went to the Job-Center he learned that it will be nearly impossible for Vil to… Read more No Job In Germany
We booked a trip with “Bla-Bla” car in a VW-Bus with four others, the pickup was in Bayonne very early in the morning. 1.300 km in a green and noisy Volkswagen box. Time to think what we gonna do when we arrive in Germany. Vil wasn’t living in Germany for more then 10 years and he… Read more Bla Bla Car to Germany!