“Hey Lady,
I actually ran out of fucks I could give about you and there are actually way more important things I will worry about.
Is that a proper English sentence?
Bark, bark, ….. whatever!”
Yesterday we tried to get our water and ice supply at a friends house. We visited our friend already a few times and it was fun and we always had a very good time and never problems, but yesterday’s visit was completely different.
It started when the landlord played again the “Grumpy Smurf”. He shouted and complained about imaginary damage and dog shit everywhere. A really annoying creature.
When we entered the flat of or friend he made a sad face and told us straight away to leave. We didn’t understood what’s going on and asked for the reason. In this moment his girlfriend appeared shouting, with a red face. “People like you are the scum and I don’t want to have any contact with scum. So, you piss of immediately or I will personally call the police on you!” We don’t understand nothing.
She is fuming and we see it’s better to leave, but before Vil asked for a bit of ice to chill his insulin. “I don’t give a fuck!”, was the answer and no ice. Allrite, we go!
Right now we are back at our place at the swimming pool and it’s not so hot anymore. Luckily the guys at MacDonald’s gave us some ice and allowed us to fill up the water tank a little bit. Now we have drinking water and the medicine is safe.
PS: Ich bin vollkommen entspannt, dann gehen wir Ihr halt aus dem Weg. <- This is a message for S..