A dreadful day!
Vil woke up and immediately felt that something is seriously wrong. He is used to regular nausea and pain in the morning and most of the time he can fix himself with some Primperan, MCP or something else, but today was different, something was seriously wrong.
He went to his GP to get a second opinion, some medication, and a sick cert. The GP draw some blood, gave him a shot of MCP and some Domperidone drip added with a wide selection of serious painkillers.
“I will call you when I got the results. After the infusion is finished you go home and try to get some rest.”

It’s teatime.
Half an hour later Vil arrived home and drank some chamomile tea. “It’s teatime, again”. He always drinks chamomile tea when something bad happens. The MCP started to kick in and nausea slowly faded away. The pain is not completely gone, but he can stand it without more painkillers.
Results are back – Infection and inflammation.
Two hours later the GP called. “The results are back, and you need to go to the hospital right now, straight away and no time to be wasted. I already arranged a pickup ambulance for you. Pack a few things and be ready to be picked up in a few minutes,”
Hospital Seehausen
I checked into the Asclépios Hospital in Seehausen. Acute infection of the pancreas, painful and might be life-threatening, they suspect something worse, but they don’t name it, and they want me to go to Berlin and meet some specialists.
But at first they need to fix me a little. I needed to stay for ten days.